The tale of Star Rice Land unfolds from its modest inception in 1983 as a trading enterprise. It was in the 1990s, when the aromatic basmati rice captivated the palates of discerning food enthusiasts globally, that we set forth on a mission to embody the pinnacle of rice manufacturing standards. The culmination of our boundless enthusiasm, steadfast determination, and tireless efforts spanning over the past four decades has positioned Star Rice as one of India's most trustworthy and reliable suppliers of premium basmati rice.
Star Rice Land
Our brilliance is not just in our production, but in the fusion of superior technology, strategic location, and international expertise, making consistency and quality our guiding stars.
Our infrastructure stands unmatched, the total rice & milling capacity of these mills is 450 MT per day, akin to a well-knit network that spans continents.
Our global recognition is not merely a commendation; it signifies the trust we've earned by expanding with 38+ countries.
Become a part of our 40-year legacy as we navigate the rice industry cosmos, guided by our four pillars of brilliant produce, unmatched infrastructure, and glorious legacy.
Star Rice Land
Star Rice Land employs cutting-edge technology and tailor-made solutions, ensuring top-tier quality through rigorous quality assurance measures.
Star Rice Land ensures impeccable grain quality through Buhler technology, rigorous testing, and advanced labs, guaranteeing purity at every stage.
Tailoring milling processes with precision equipment, color sorters, and the Zero-OX system, Star Rice Land crafts unique solutions for optimal grain purity.
Utilizing advanced tools like Lab Kett Meters and GLC machines, Star Rice Land embraces technology, adhering to international food safety standards for unparalleled excellence.
At Star Rice Land, we cultivate a diverse range of rice varieties to cater to the discerning needs of our global clientele. Proud suppliers to renowned international brands, our meticulously packaged rice, ranging from 1 to 50 Kgs, embodies the rich heritage and unwavering quality synonymous with our commitment to excellence.
Nurtured by a profound connection with our 10,898 dedicated farmers across 16,000+ hectares, Star Rice Land has blossomed since 1982 into a global rice sensation. Our production powerhouse crafts 450 metric tons of premium rice daily, gracing tables in over 38 countries. Rooted in quality, our legacy unfolds with a passion that transcends borders.
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